Back the Blue

Our law enforcement officers in Oswego, and as well as all around Kendall County, have our support and our thanks. As well let’s cover them daily with our prayers to protect them while they protect us and keep our community safe.

2nd Amendment

Support of the 2nd Amendment

We believe that restrictive gun laws are in violation of our 2nd Amendment rights and therefore unconstitutional and unlawful, and individual communities who pass laws that are not uniform lead to potential abuses. These restrictive gun laws only affect law-abiding citizens. This will not stop the lawbreakers from having “assault weapons”.

Fiscally REsponsible Government

Illinois households pay 15% of their income in state and local taxes, which is the highest in the nation. Our state and our county must cut and control spending. Kendall County Republicans have a track record of successfully reducing government expenditures while maintaining services, standing against tax increases, and reducing the tax levy. 

Limited Government & Freedom

Our Country’s Founders believed that individual liberty could only be secured and sustained by limited government. They feared excessive centralized power – precisely what we see in Washington today. Power corrupts, and total power corrupts totally. More specifically, the bigger the government, smaller the individual.

Pro Life

We believe that life starts at conception and the value of human life is not conditional upon its usefulness to others or the state. We stand against state and federally funded abortions and providers of abortion services. We know that love and support for women and families facing unwanted pregnancies provide hope, healing, and help during challenging times.